I Wanna Be A Fruitful Tree
wanna be, a fruitful tree, Growing in Gods orchard green.
I wanna be, a fruitful tree. The fairest fruits, youve ever seen.
1.A fruitful tree, I wanna be, In Gods orchard I would grow. Apples of Love, Peaches of Joy. The Spiits fruits, I want to show.
2.A fruitful tree, I wanna be, In Gods orchard I would grow. The pears of peace, Longsufrin limes. The Spirits fruits, I want to show.
3.A fruitful vine, I wanna be, In Gods vineyard I would grow. There's gentle grapes, Gooseberries good. The Spirits fruits, I want to show. I wanna be, a fruitful vine, Growing in Gods vineyard green. I wanna be, a fruitful vine. The fairest fruits, youve ever seen.
4.A fruitful tree, I wanna be, In Gods orchard I would grow. Theres faith filled dates, Theres mangos meek. The Spirits fruits, I want to show.
5.A fruitful plant, I wanna be, In Gods garden I would grow. Just one more fruit, Temprance tomatoes. The Spirits fruits, I want to show. I wanna be, a fruitful tree, Growing in Gods orchard green. I wanna be, a fruitful tree. The fairest fruits, youve ever seen.
©copyright by Ruth Andrieux, 2001