17 delightful kid's tunes, including 7 Bible verse songs
Fiesta Time with Jesus. Contains the 5 English Bible Verses and 5 Spanish Bible Verses.
OR you can buy the 'Combination' for the price of $12.00 before shipping. The 'Combination' is one 'Howdy Partner, Come Along...' Songbook' and the CD 'Howdy Partner, Come Along'.
Beautiful Music with Beautiful Photography. This DVD can be yours for only $15.99.
Howdy Partner, Come Along CD-Buy one for $9.99
Howdy Partner, Come Along DVD
This page summarizes most of the products we have available.
To learn more about a particular product, or to listen to its' music, click on the product: doing that will take you to its' page.
This is where you pay for this CD, $14.99.
This is where you pay for this CD, $11.99.
This is where you pay $3.99 for the songbook.
Buy the "Heavens Declare the
Glory of God"in Kindle
in simplified form. Click here:

Learn 42 Bible verses with music
5 Bible verses to learn and the theme song, "Let's Get Wild for Jesus. A few left. Buy this CD here: $10.00
This is the songbook that has all the music for Let's Get Wild for Jesus. at the Price of $2.99
You can buy the "We'll Power up with Jesus" CD here
Here is the songbook that has all the songs of the CD: Let's power Up with Jesus.
Buy the music for this lovely CD for $3.99
Thy Word Songbook. All 42 songs in print for just $4.95
This songbook contains many of the songs on these 2 CDs/Cassettes.Buy it for $6.99
'Celebrating Him' is also available in cassette form. Cost $6.99
Buy the songbook here for $3.99
This is where you pay $2.99 for the download card.
This is where you can
buy the CD,
"The Greatest is Charity".
This songbook contains all the music for the CD and DVD for, "Written in Stone, The Ten Commandments". This Songbook has been created for the Christian music educator, christian parent or grandparent, who wants their student to play and sing music that will aid their student to learn the ten commandments and why they are important. This songbook includes piano music that is inclusive of most levels of pianists. For pieces that have orchestra, full or small, it contains the instrumental score and all the instrumental parts. By clicking on this link, you can see a sample of this songbook of 342 pages, including the full songbook's index.
This is where you can buy the DVD, "Written in Stone, The Ten Commandments".
This is where you can buy the DVD, "The Greatest is Charity".
This is where you can buy the DVD, "The Story of Love".
This is where you can buy the CD, "Thy Way, O God, is in the Sanctuary".
This product is all about learning 1st Corinthians 13, there is a CD and a DVD of "The chapter of Love ". The CD is $9.99 and the DVD is $15.00, clicking on the pictures will take you to the page of this product.