This ministry is located in the beautiful Napa Valley in Northern California. Please call for information. We started on Thursday, September 5, 2019. Students are invited to join us later on in the year.
Your children are coordially invited to join our local choir virtually, "The Ruth Andrieux Children's Choir", at 4:30 PM on Thursdays PDST. Is there a charge? Yes, please donate with the pay pal button below. Anywhere from $1.00-$5.00 is the suggested price, per week. or $15.00 to $20.00 per month as the Lord has blest you. Call me and negotiate a price for 10 or more students. Basically, you all are on a 'honor system' for payment. However, please register your name and email information, so I know you have join the Children's Choir.
Ruth Andrieux is cordially inviting you and your children to the scheduled Zoom meetings; The Ruth Andrieux Children's Choir, where we learn Bible verses by singing them. Here is the Zoom information that will be good through December 17, 2020. Meeting ID: 827 5596 8578 Passcode: choir
This is a picture of the the album of this year, "Thy Way, O God, is in the Sanctuary". We will be learning to sing the songs on this album. If you choose to buy this album prior to joining the choir, this choice will aid in your child's learning.
Please call, email me to join the choir by the application "Zoom". We, the local choir, are doing only 'online choir', because of Covid 19, on Thursdays at 4:30 PM. (PDST), Teachers, if you have a 'group' or classroom of students that desire to join, please click here for the choir's policy, I am willing to negotiate a time that will fit your class's schedule. Please call me. We will plan to record sometime in late fall; depending on many things.
Andrieux House Music Publishing Company
Ruth Andrieux, 707-965-3081
P.O. BOX 593,
Angwin, CA 94508-0593, U.S.A.
Or you can contact us by filling
out the form below: