Jesus Will Hold My Hand

This song can be found on the CD "Only Me".

esus will hold my hand, Through all this weary land. Through sunshine or rain, Through laughter or pain, He’ll always hold on to my hand. When I am glad or sad, Through all the good and bad, Though I am weak, He holds my hand, Right to the promise land.

2.Jesus will pilot me, Over life’s stormy seas. Through tempest or calm, He keeps in His palm, My soul throguh life’s billowy seas. Though I am tossed about, He knows the he’venly route. He’ll sail my ship, To that safe shore, With Him forevermore.

3.Jesus will be my guide, If I with Him abide. Through valleys so fair, Hot deserts so bare, He’ll always be there by my side. O’er mountains rough and steep, Jesus my soul will keep. Though faint I be, Water of life, From Him refreshes me.

©copyright by Ruth Andrieux, 1999