Only Me
This song can be found on the CD "Only Me".
had heard that Jesus loved me so
But just how much, I just did not know
That, if I alone had known sins woe,
That for me to Calvry He would go.
2.Do you know that Jesus loves you so? That to Calvry for you He would go? Friend, no matter how black your sins may be, He did pardon them on Calvary.
3.Someday, when I see him face to face, I will praise him for His love and grace. I will kiss those nail scared hands He has for me. Love Him ever for old Calvary.
Chorus: Only Me, Only Me, He would have gone, if it was only me My Lord did go to Calvary, He would have gone to that Cruel Tree. He would have died, O yes, for only me..
©copyright by Ruth Andrieux, 1999