This song can be found on the CD "Only Me".
The Loving Heavenly Father
e have a Loving Heavnly Father, who wants to give us all good gifts. Just ask in Jesus name believing, Hell give you faith to receive.
2.Does Jesus heal the lame and crippled? My soul cried, with despair was filled. The promise in James five believing. He gave me faith to receive.
3.He healed my body, soul, and spirit. Hell heal you too in every whit. Just ask in Jesus name name believng, Hell give you faith to receive.
4.So now Im learning of the Father. Each day His love and joy ensures. His robe of righteousousness receiving, He gives me faith to believe.
5.No matter what maybe your problems, He wants to give you peace within. His robe of righteousness receiving. Hell give you faith to believe.
6.Gods church may have its grevious problems. We still are His most precious gem! Well claim the robe of Christ believing, Hell gives us faith to receive.
©copyright by Ruth Andrieux, 1999