This song can be found on the CD "Celebrating Him".
Stand up, Stand up for Jesus
tand up, Stand up for Jesus, and He will stand up for you. For in this day of Judgement, God will seal the faithful few. we must honor Christ today, of His name be not ashame. he left His throne of glory, And to this dark world He came. Stand up, Stand up for Jesus, and He will stand up for you.
2.This world has it’s attractions; they’re calling to you and me. Or will we heed the pleadings, of the Man from Gallilee? He offers His love and grace, to the whole lost human race. He left His glor’us homeland, Won’t you come and join His band?
3. Stand up, Stand up for Jesus, but not in the strength strenth of your own. The blood of Jesus cleanses us. No, our works cannot atone. Submit all your will to Him, then you will not yeild to sin. Just take ahold of His hand, and He’ll lead to the Promise land. Then, stand up, stand up for Jesus; and He will stand up for you!
©copyright by Ruth E. Andrieux, 2001