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Although these 10 verses were originally written for a VBS program, they are verses your child/children or student(s) should learn from the Bible. Please listen to the samples, I think you will agree:

Day 1: Exodus 3 verse 12
Day 2: Exodus 7 verse 17
Day 3: Psalm 145 verse 13
Day 4: Matthew 28 verse 6
Day 5: Exodus 14 verse 13
Theme Song: We Will Praise the Lord

These verses were for each day of the "Rome" VBS Program:

Day 1: Romans 6 verse 23 version 3
Day 2: Romans 12 verse 2
Day 3: Romans 8 verses 38 and 39
Day 4: Romans 5 verse 8
Day 5:
Romans 1 verse 16
heme Song: I'll Be Jesus Witness

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